I love the great connections I can make working a wedding! While working at Meghan and Alex’s wedding in July, I was very fortunate to meet their matron of honor Wendi. Wendi was a few months pregnant with her son Bryce. Months later, I had the honor of having baby Bryce in my studio for his first professional photo shoot. When Wendi arrived, she had some of the best accessories for Bryce’s photo shoot! We had great hats, comfy blankets and an adorable set of colorful blocks spelling Bryce’s name. It was going to be a fun shoot!
Bryce is obviously a minimalist, as he had other plans. First of all, the hats made his little head too hot and he didn’t enjoy them at all (that’s fine, Bryce has a faux hawk that should not be missed!). Next, the blanket was pretty slippery and Bryce did not enjoy being propped up on it. And most importantly, Bryce just didn’t seem to enjoy the studio. Every time we walked him into the studio, he started to cry! And every time we walked him into my office, he would stop.
So what do you do when your subject has no desire to be in the studio? You go with it! Bryce seemed to be very comfortable on the couch in my office which happens to be opposite a window with great light. Bingo! I’m very happy to share Bryce’s portrait session by window light.
We did get some lovely photos of Bryce in the studio before we changed direction. This is a favorite.

That ended quickly and we were back in the office. Here is Bryce looking up at his dad (trying to calm him before we went back in the studio) with the window in the background. I love the look on his face and how the sparse background makes the photo all about Bryce.